According to The Urology Foundation, 3.2 million men in the UK have an enlarged prostate which is officially called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). This condition is common in men aged over 50. The prostate is a small walnut-sized gland which can become enlarged due to an increased number of cells. The label “benign” means non-cancerous but BPH needs to be diagnosed by a doctor to rule out prostate cancer. According to Dr John Lee, this condition can be caused by hormone imbalance, in particular, high levels of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and high levels of the hormone oestrogen which both stimulate proliferation of prostate cells.

Due to the prostate’s close location near the bladder and surrounding the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder), prostate enlargement can cause urinary issues. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate can include frequent urination, urinary tract infections due to incomplete emptying and urinary difficulties. Sufferers may also experience sleep deprivation due to regular night time toilet visits.

The good news is that there are many diet and lifestyle interventions which involve balancing hormones that you can implement to prevent this condition.

Here are ten tips to help you prevent prostate problems:

  1. Regularly eat zinc-containing foods because zinc levels are very high in prostate tissue and zinc can help avoid testosterone converting to oestrogen. Enjoy shellfish like oysters, crab, clams and prawns, seeds like pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds and organic meat.

  2. Drink organic green tea daily - studies show that green tea can reduce urinary symptoms for BPH sufferers and green tea contains epigallocatchin-3-gallate (EGCG) which reduces conversion of testosterone to oestrogen.

  3. Ensure good detoxification of hormones - effective oestrogen clearance is highly important which is achieved through daily bowel movements, regular sweating and intake of the necessary nutrients for detoxification. These include antioxidants, amino acids which you can obtain through varied types of good quality animal and plant proteins, cruciferous vegetables and sulphur-containing foods like beans, garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage.

  4. Sleep well for 7-9 hours each night to ensure good hormone balance - try to wind down an hour before sleeping and avoid blue light from devices and television.

  5. Keep blood sugar balanced - high insulin is a huge driving factor for hormone imbalances in men. Eat a low glycemic diet by eating good quality protein, healthy fats and colourful vegetables at every meal. Avoid high sugar foods and avoid excess alcohol.

  6. Reduce your toxic exposure by eating organic and avoiding using chemical weed killers and pesticides which can disrupt your hormones. Air out your home regularly by opening the windows as modern furniture and carpets can off-gas toxins

  7. Address oestrogen dominance - even if testosterone levels are adequate, a man can suffer from oestrogen dominance which can result in symptoms like weight gain, “man boobs”, gallbladder problems, anxiety and insomnia. Excess oestrogen has been shown to be a key cause of prostate enlargement.

    There are three ways to reduce oestrogen dominance:

    (a) Reduce intake of xenoestrogens which increase oestrogen by eating organic wherever possible and reducing toxins (as per bullet number 6 above)
    (b) Enable good clearance of hormones through effective detoxification (bullet point 3)
    (c) Avoid insulin resistance by eating low-glycemic meals and managing your stress levels (bullet point 5)

  8. Reduce adipose fat which converts testosterone and androstenedione into oestrogens which stimulates prostate cells to grow - ensure regular strength training to build muscle.

  9. Eat healthy fats - these include extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados and nuts. Also try to eat 3 portions of oily fish per week - think SMASH: salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring. Avoid damaging trans fatty acids found in pastries, baked goods and highly processed foods.

  10. Reduce stress to ensure cortisol levels are kept low as consistently high cortisol impacts hormones and can cause inflammation in the body. Try a walk every day in nature and ensure you have time to relax and do things you enjoy.

I hope these tips have been helpful and can help you prevent prostate problems. I would also recommend getting your hormones tested so that you can spot any deficiencies or excesses and take action on these. I highly recommend the DUTCH test and you can contact me for more information on how to prepare yourself for the test and understand the results.